Ahlam asks: Why am I subjected to quarantine in Kuwait and others are allowed to travel .. And the "Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior" responds!

Today, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior responded to the artist Ahlam's questions about preventing her from leaving Kuwait because she was subject to quarantine, while one of the artists left without submitting to the same conditions.

And the artist, Ahlam, had caused a sensation on social networking sites, because of her subjection to the stone and preventing her from leaving Kuwait, while the Qatari artist, Fahd Al-Kubaisi, left without undergoing this procedure, she said.

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior responded to this issue, without naming anyone, and demanded an investigation into “the entry and exit of a Gulf singer,” according to the “Russia Today” website.

The General Department of Relations and Security Media at the Ministry of Interior announced the formation of an immediate investigation committee regarding the entry and exit of a Gulf singer without adhering to the procedures of the quarantine protocol and the application of "Shlonk".

The General Administration of Relations and Security Media indicated that the necessary measures are being taken against the aforementioned for violating the quarantine protocol.

And the artist, Ahlam, had posted on social media, a video, complaining about the way she was dealt with in Kuwait, expressing her strong dissatisfaction with the discrimination in the treatment she received by the Kuwaiti authorities, after she was prevented from leaving the country due to being in a period of quarantine, while Qatari singer Fahd Al Kubaisi was allowed to leave.

Ahlam said through her account on “Instagram”: “I am sending a message to the father, His Highness Prince Nawaf Al-Ahmad, and to His Highness, Crown Prince Mishaal Al-Ahmad, may God preserve them. Kuwait is a state of justice, and I hope to receive a response."

And she revealed the details of what happened with her, as she said: “I arrived in Kuwait yesterday in my private plane and I had joy, and at the airport we were not informed of the stone, and I lived in the same hotel in which I settled joy, and I arrived on a private plane, and I took all the vaccine, and the first thing I arrived I did an analysis, I did an examination, and everything is fine.”

And she added: "I finished the joy and I was going to travel while the plane waited for me at the airport. I came to see. They told me that you are in the stone. I said over my eyes and my head is the law, but today I found out that Fahd Al Kubaisi boarded his plane and went to his country and arrived in Doha while I was waiting."

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